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Doctor says ‘Sorry’ For The ‘Many Mistakes’ and Covid jab Guidance.

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A three times covid jabbed Malaysian doctor has apologised to the Malaysian people for the ‘many mistakes’ in the medical advice he gave over the years and especially in the ‘mass COVID-vaccination season’ where he was involved in obtaining consent so that the vaccine could be administered. The ‘saddened’ Dr Syafiq Nordin shared his apologies on his Facebook profile just a couple of days ago and since then he has received messages of support from many of his followers thanking him for his apology, sincerity and honesty.

Aussie 17, from Pharma Files by Aussie 17 Substack page, has also made a u-turn and has gone from working for big pharma for twenty years and selling vaccines in the ‘several Big Pharmas.’ to now ‘exposing the pharma industrial complex from the inside’

The pharma insider has created a “U- Turn tracker’ which is shared on Substack (which can be viewed here) and has made an IMPORTANT CAVEAT: Please be aware that not all of these shifts are outright U-Turns; some could be considered J-Turns, and some have simply become more vocal than before. But it doesn’t sound right calling it “A More Vocal mRNA Skeptic Tracker and maybe they U-Turn or maybe not™” so I’m keeping it as “U-Turn Tracker™.” Please do not use this list to embarrass or attack anyone; we need to come together in our search for truth. Some of these individuals are my personal friends, whom I deeply respect.

(My note – Not everyone will agree that all of the names on the tracker are people who actually U-turned, but may believe they have known what they were promoting all along,… just me? )

Dr Syafiq Nordin is the latest to have been added to the tracker and Asussie 17 featured his U-turn apology in the following article:

Malaysian Doctor with Large Facebook Following Apologizes for COVID Vaccine Guidance

“Honestly, I am incapable of assisting financially should complications occur.”

by AUSSIE17 originally published on Pharma Files by Aussie 17

Welcome Dr. Syafiq Nordin to the group of doctors who’ve had a change of heart about the COVID-19 vaccine. Dr. Syafiq, a Malaysian doctor with nearly 10,000 followers on Facebook, has made a public apology for his role in administering the Pfizer vaccine during the pandemic. He admits to having regrets following recent disclosures surrounding Pfizer and feels a part of the weakness within the industry that has come to light.

He offers a heartfelt apology, especially to those who sought his medical advice during the mass vaccination period, admitting his limitations in providing financial assistance for any complications that might arise from the vaccine. However, he commits to offering more holistic medical advice based on the restorative sciences introduced to him by Dr. Razin Jaafar.

Let’s update our U-Turn Tracker!

This is the English translation of his Facebook post from yesterday (April 18, 2024). I’ve verified its accuracy, but it’s possible that it might be removed by Facebook’s moderation team if it becomes widely noticed. Highlights are mine.

At this moment of writing there are 1.7K reactions to his viral post on facebook and lots of juicy comments.


  1. In light of the recent news about Pfizer, a weakness in the industry, which I am part of, has been revealed.
  2. I feel saddened because, before meeting Dr. Razin Jaafar, there were many mistakes in the medical advice I provided, especially concerning COVID-v.
  3. However, I am very grateful to him because I am now more open-eyed and more enlightened about health sciences, which honestly are more natural and fitting to my soul as a medical practitioner and as a Muslim.
  4. During the past COVID times, it cannot be denied that it was difficult for health care workers who strived to provide the best health services, and even more difficult for the rest of the citizens facing the lockdown.
  5. The administration of the vaccine at that time was seen as the best way, and the mass vaccination program was launched very quickly.
  6. I was also involved, in my capacity, in giving medical advice and obtaining ‘consent’ so that the vaccine could be administered.
  7. I, as a medical practitioner, also received 3 Pfizer vaccines.
  8. Everything happened in a ‘touch & go’ manner, it was impossible for me to identify whom I had given medical advice related to this issue.
  9. With this, I would like to apologize a thousand times for the mistakes I had made in the previous years, especially to those who came to me during the mass COVID-vaccination season.
  10. Honestly, I am incapable of assisting financially should complications occur.
  11. However, I will try my best to provide more holistic medical advice, in line with the Restorative sciences brought by Dr. Razin.

I apologize, Malaysian Citizens!

Dr. Syafiq Nordin Restorative Medicine

*** This apology is somewhat similar to Pfizer, easy in writing, but for me, it is actually more difficult to bear.

*** The picture is the Dunning-Kruger effect – referring to myself who is at the very bottom level at this moment. (forgive me)


Here are some comments translated into English. Interestingly, there aren’t any comments supporting vaccines to criticize the doctor. This might be due to the conversation happening in the native language, and, there isn’t enough resources by Pfizer to control the narrative locally.

Aussie 17 says ‘I challenge anyone to create a list of anyone making a U-Turn in the opposite direction (i.e. from an anti-mRNA to pro-mRNA) and admits that when working in Pharma, they always gauged the sentiments towards their drugs by measuring the positions of KOLs (Key Opinion Leaders).

‘Let’s just say that the more KOLs start making U-Turns, the more likely the “Safe and Effective” narrative will collapse.’


Pharma Files by Aussie 17 – U- Turn Tracker –

Pharma Files by Aussie 17 -Malaysian Doctor with Large Facebook Following Apologizes for COVID Vaccine Guidance

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Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
25 days ago

Perhaps the sincere apologies (U-Turns) due from Ursula von der Leyen and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla will only come when they are being escorted to prison in handcuffs and leg irons – after becoming convicted of $Mult-billions fraud and homicide (1st degree mass murder) via mRNA bioweapons:

Ursula von der Leyen, Albert Bourla at Center of Corruption Scandal. – THE ONENESS of HUMANITY (

25 days ago

Although it’s a positive that these doctors are making a ‘U-TURN,’ if I were one of them, I would not be able to forgive myself for the shocking harms (and possible deaths) if I did not educate myself in REAL medicine (Natural, Holistic, Functional, Homeopathic, Herbal…) and follow up with every single one of my patients to ensure that they were put on a holistic corrective healing protocol and monitored carefully for as long as necessary.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
25 days ago

Are you suggesting that people who were initially fooled but have now had their eyes opened, i.e. converts to vaxx truth, are to be treated with suspicion?

Andrew Bridgen took the vaxx. He is a convert to vaxx truth, Is he on the U-turn tracker?

I would suggest that rather than bearing grudges against honest people who were fooled, we need an “Enemies of the people” \ “Enemies of humanity” tracker to list the names of those who were part of the plot and who need to be put on trial when the day comes.

Is the are tracker for enemies of the people? I believe that many of the names that should be on it can be found in the MHRA,SAGE and similar bodies, as well as in parliament.

When the trials are held, we need citizen judges not the legal system’s corrupt judges who are part of the establishment.

Oh, I’ve just thought of a snag with that idea. People who have the “no converts allowed” attitude will be condemning honest genuine people were initially fooled.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Patricia Harrity
25 days ago

Hi Patricia,
Well done, the more that see the light, the better.
I have mentioned several times, the Doctors were sucked into the propaganda.
It’s the one’s who pushed the C19 for profit, and never took the jab, that I would want on trial. Including our UK MP’s.

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Patricia Harrity
25 days ago

I was right – see –

I had said how Dr. Campbell had admitted making a mistake and being wrong in the early days and he was angry about being lied to about the vaccines, those lies caused him to take the vaxx himself and to adise others to take the vaxx.

You said – “He can express anger all he likes, it’s too late now, there may well be people that are suffering as a result of his advice.

I have watched a lot of JC’s videos. I am allowed to make my own judgement of the guy, most of which I’ll keep to myself.”

Is that welcoming converts?

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Patricia Harrity
25 days ago

Why do you delete my posts Patricia- are you embarrassed by being shown to be a hypocrite and a liar? The lie being – “I do not condemn anyone and I am very happy to see people u-turning”

Watcher Seeker
Watcher Seeker
Reply to  Patricia Harrity
24 days ago

You have deleted a post I made on this article that was not offensive in any way. You deleted it because you didn’t want my point of view, along with a suspicion of mine, to be expressed.

“you have been abusive and insulting to one of our valued members” – I presume you mean the one who has made unprovoked attacks on me and on others. I am usually polite but when I am attacked with mockery, insults, insinuations, false accusations and being arrogantly told that I am not allowed to talk about a subject that he raised, I respond appropriately in a manner that was deserved – and I used his own word as evidence to back up things I said.

I am shocked that you are blind to his attacks on me and his shameful tactics including his attempts to hurt my feelings. They are blatant and obvious.

As I say, I am usually polite but I was rather hasty with my comment above to you. I was slightly het up after you deleted my post and in my haste to reply I strayed from my normal civility.

Had I been in a calmer mood I would have asked if you could explain the contradictory statements you made regarding converts \ U-turners. I saw your statement on this article as intended to cover up the things you said previously. If I there is another explanation, then I will be happy to accept it.

Reply to  Patricia Harrity
24 days ago

Well said.

25 days ago

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25 days ago

Regardless of the sincerity of this apology, I’m wondering why the apologies from other doctors are so few and so far. Does this indicate that a large number of physicians are still happy giving patients the experimental drug?

Reply to  biggrump
25 days ago

yes… i see that here in sydney

25 days ago

I believe there will be more. Even though it is too much, too little too late but must accept it as it is. Many have suffered and many have died. That updated number will soon be exposed. God bless America for what “they” have allowed to be done to us. (U.S.)

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  vivie
25 days ago

Hi vivie,
I agree with you.
I keep wondering about Trumpf and Operation Warp Speed.
When he said he was ‘ Father of the vaccine ‘.
Then paid the DOD to produce all the variations. ?

25 days ago

says sorry and expects all to be forgiven. i don’t think so!

24 days ago

Sorry. What rot. They took the money. They basked in the glory. They lied. They have taken and disfigured the lives of billions of men women and children. Forgiveness? Maybe after decades served in a small, dank, wet cell. There are actions so vile, so odious, so repugnant to natural law that they cannot be forgiven. ignorantia legis neminem excusat. Low, in this twisted age ruled by psychopathic Banksters overseeing a Death Cult intent on enveloping the entire world into a communitarian technocratic dystopian Empire devoid of soul; this doctor has come home to his soul and chosen to cross the Rubicon in an act that should be a mundane and self-evident deed; is heaped with praise for his bravery among the lay, and will surely suffer the derision if not complete annihilation altogether by the Beast. For it is the Fauci’s in these demented days that are buried in loot and heaped with awards. Aye, millions of people were able to discern the danger and refuse the adulteration. Had the good doctor perhaps taken the time at the time to care enough, to think. Doctors are put on pedestals and then reverenced as authorities. Clearly, they should hold no authority over the individual, who shall be sovereign.

24 days ago

You get paid to lie. The money is already used. Destroy many people live. Sorry won’t bring the people back.
We must kill you.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  erika
22 days ago

Hi erika,
Don’t be too hasty, even the doctors were duped by the propaganda.
Even the doctors, would not have been silly enough, to have the C19 fluid, if they knew the danger.
The people we need in court are those who pushed the propaganda, and never got the jab.
We need to see if they have a MAC address.
If they do not, straight to trial.

Ginch Roo
Ginch Roo
22 days ago

THERE CAN BE NO APOLOGY FROM THE DOCTORS. Physicians take tests to ascertain their ability to stay current with new technologies; EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES, as listed in Wikipedia even though the technologies are already DEPLOYED IN WWIII AGAINST the population of the west.and are no longer simply ‘EMERGING’.

Sabrina Wallace has ancestry historically working in Govt. Military and BLACK OPS since WW2. She was given over as a child for EXPERIMENTATION WITH MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY and is the NETWORK ARCHITECT taking Internet from ‘Dial-Up’ to ‘Digital’ at 19 years of age. She’s Intellectually Brilliant; although angry with what the ‘Mad Scientists’ did to her as she is a survivor of the CIA N2 Program. She holds the current batch of Pagan U.N. Uniparty Nazi’s hiding The City of London Central Bankers with The Crown Corporation in contempt and has taken it upon herself for this last year to INFORM THE PUBLIC about what’s actually occuring. This is the TEXTBOOK provided for Medical School Students addressing the technologies used to poison the people; Genocide, sterilize and Electrochemically ENSLAVE THEM. (YOUR DOCTOR HAS ALREADY KNOWN WHAT WAS HAPPENING AND REFUSED TO ADMIT WHAT WAS HAPPENING….AS IT IS NECESSARY TO TAKE TESTS TO MAINTAIN LICENSING). There was/is NO EXCUSE for what they’ve agreed to do for THE CITY OF LONDON WITH THE CROWN CORPORATION. This is their WWIII.

“Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems Textbook (2021)…Addressed since 2012.
             Chpt. 1) Human and Computer Interaction (WBAN: Wireless Body Area Network)
                             CLASSIFIED AS ‘EMERGENT TECHNOLOGY’ even though DEPLOYED SINCE 2021.
                            Title: ‘Human and Machine: Trust Considerations, Concerns, Constraints for
                                       Lethal Autonomous Weapons System (LAWS)
                  Is Human Bioelectric Field surrounding Body: PART OF ANATOMY
                  6G Wireless Constant Surveillance of all DNA Indentification in Cloud…Not motion, sound, electricity.
                                 All identified in Cloud since 1995”
DID EVERYBODY READ THAT CORRECTLY…They did not need the shots to surveil, control, murder us with a push of a Computer Keyboard Butteon. THEY TRACK US THROUGH OUR DNA/ OUR ELECTROMAGNETIC BIOFIELD surrounding all life on planet Earth. The shots and Geo-Engineering placing pollutants in the air only MAGNIFY their ability to do dirty to the population.

Dave Owen
Dave Owen
Reply to  Ginch Roo
22 days ago

Hi Ginch Roo,
I have to stick up for the doctors who took the C19 fluid.
They fell for the propaganda as well.
It’s the pushers who never took the vax who should be on trial.
Just look at all the people who have died suddenly on TV.
These people believed what they were told and paid a heavy price.