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W.H.O. database shows there have been 8 times more adverse reactions to the Covid-19 Vaccines in 9 months than to the Influenza Vaccines in 52 years

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A World Health Organisation database called ‘VigiAccess’ has revealed that the number of adverse reactions reported to the Covid-19 vaccines around the world in nine months is over eight times greater than the number of adverse reactions reported to the Influenza vaccines in 52 years.

VigiAccess, launched in 2015, is the public representation of VigiBase, the World Health Organisation’s global database of individual case safety reports (ICSRs) – i.e. reports of suspected adverse effects of medicinal products that have been spontaneously reported for individual patients by patients themselves, doctors, nurses, pharmacists or other health care professionals.

By accessing the database and carrying out a search for the ‘influenza vaccine’, we can see that there are a total of 266,955 records received containing 847,097 adverse reactions.

Whilst carrying out another search for ‘Covid-19 vaccine’ on the database returns results that show there have been a total of 2,201,851 reports received containing 5,306,332 adverse reactions.

The difference? Reports made against the influenza vaccine have been sent to the WHO database over a period of 52 years and 9 months from 1968 to September 2021. Whereas reports made against the Covid-19 vaccines have sent to the WHO database over a period of 9 months since the beginning of 2021.

The numbers show that there have been 8.2 times more reports made against the Covid-19 vaccines containing 6.3 times as many adverse reactions.

On average the numbers show that there have been 421 reports made per month against the influenza vaccines since 1968, which means in 2021 approximately 3,795 reports have been accumulated against the influenza jabs up to the end of September. This means the Covid-19 vaccines have received 580 times more reports against them during the same time frame.

The most common types of disorders reported as adverse reactions to both the Influenza and Covid-19 injections are general disorders and administration site conditions. However, they only account for 25% of adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines, and 20% of adverse reactions to the Covid-19 injections, and do include reactions such as ‘sudden death’.

Of which there have been 125 reports against the Infuenza vaccines over a period of 52 years and 9 months.

Whilst there have been 1,356 reports of sudden death against the Covid-19 vaccines over a period of just 9 months, eleven times more than have been recorded against the Influenza jabs.

Other adverse reactions include 215 reports of blindness due to the Influenza vaccines over a period of 52 years.

Whilst 2,002 reports of blindness have been received due to the Covid-19 vaccines over a period of 9 months, nine times more than the influenza vaccines have caused over 52 years.

271 congenital, familial and gentic disorders have also been received due to the influenza vaccine since 1968. These are otherwise known as birth defects.

Yet in just 9 months there have been 1,191 birth defects reported as adverse reactions to the Covid-19 vaccines.

912 reports of paralysis have also been received due to the Influenza vaccines over a period of 52 years and 9 months.

Whilst 2,034 reports of paralysis have been received due to the Covid-19 vaccines over a period of 9 months, over twice as many reports than have been received due to the Influenza jabs.

The same patterns can be seen for other serious adverse reactions including seizures, strokes, brain damage, miscarriages, and deaths, which begs the question as to why the roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccines has not been ceased with immediate effect?

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Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
2 years ago

Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-10-08. Exposing the cover up mass jab deaths. Jab’s mystery payload. Economy Being Crashed On Purpose

2 years ago

Re: ‘….there have been 1,356 reports of sudden death against the Covid-19 vaccines over a period of just 9 months….’

Do you happen to know the VigiAccess definition for sudden death’?

And for clarification purposes…..have there only been 1,356 cases of ‘sudden death’ following the administering of a covid dose reported to VigiAccess to date?

The number of deaths seems unusually small vis-a-vis the number of reported adverse reactions compared to the current ratio of reported deaths to adverse reactions as reported to the Yellow Card System, VAERS and EudraVigilance.

2 years ago

Documenting evil: Vigiaccess, Vaers, Yellow Card, mathematical correlations between administering toxic sludge ‘vaccine’ and people dying from it.

Not just good work, great work. You are making a place for yourselves in history

2 years ago

I couldn’t help noticing your share pop-up needs to include GAB.

I am personally asking readers of my own website to disengage from Facebook and YouTube as much as reasonably possible. They are some of the culprits oppressing us.