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Fluoride – The toxic chemical about to be added to the nations drinking water thanks to the recommendation of Professor Chris Whitty

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Excessive fluoride consumption is toxic to human beings in a variety of ways. But despite this, over 5 million people in England have drinking water that is intentionally polluted with fluoride, and now Professor Chris Whitty, the Chief Medical Officer for England, has advised the UK Government to intentionally add the toxic substance to the entire nations water supply.

The power to intentionally pollute water with fluoride currently resides with local government, however, proposed changes to regulations in the new Health and Care Bill will hand this power over to the UK Health Secretary, and thanks to a report released by the four Chief Medical Officer’s of the United Kingdom there can be no doubt that this policy is about to come to fruition.

In a joint statement, Dr Frank Atherton; CMO for Wales, Dr Michael McBride; CMO for Northern Ireland, Dr Gregor Smith; CMO for Scotland, and Professor Chris Whitty; CMO for England. concluded the following –

As with all things in medicine and public health there is a balance of risk and benefit. There is unquestionably an issue with tooth decay in the UK and an entrenched inequality which needs to be addressed. Fluoridation of water can reduce this common problem.

On balance, there is strong scientific evidence that water fluoridation is an effective public health intervention for reducing the prevalence of tooth decay and improving dental health equality across the UK. It should be seen as a complementary strategy, not a substitute for other effective methods of increasing fluoride use.

The report by the Chief Medical Officers has been written under the guise that their decision is based on protecting the health of children, but if they really wanted to do this they would not have just overruled the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation and told the Government to roll-out the experimental Pfizer mRNA Covid-19 injection to all children over the age of 12.

The logical thing to do would be to educate the public on what causes tooth decay and what they can do to prevent it, rather than add a toxic chemical to the national water supply.

Fluoride is a mineral that is naturally occurring, and it is found in our bones and teeth, the soil and earth, rocks, plant, and even in the air, but too much of it is harmful for several reasons.

A study published in 2006 showed that fluoride in the water is linked to bone cancer in males.

Whilst a study carried out in 2012 found that there is a possible link between fluoride and lower IQ rates in children.

Fluoride dangers and thyroid health

Both iodine and fluoride belong in the same family of compounds- a family we know as halogens. Iodine is great for the thyroid (although excess can exacerbate symptoms for Hashimoto’s) but fluoride is not beneficial. These two halogens are so similar that the thyroid can absorb fluoride instead of iodine.

A  February 2018 study shows empirical data that shows specifically an impact in T3 and T4 levels through consumption of Fluoride. Fluoride is toxic to thyroid cells as it can inhibit thyroid function and cause cellular death.

Fluoride dangers to the pineal gland

Fluoride can impact the pineal gland. The pineal gland helps regulate the body’s rhythms and wake-sleep cycles- or rather, circadian rhythms. These functions are so important to mental health and other bodily processes. Fluoride is toxic to the pineal gland because this is where it accumulates and starts to calcify the gland.

Fluoride may lead to early puberty

One theme is that fluoride can have a hugely negative impact on young children. When it comes to girls, it has been reported that fluoride excess can lead to early onset of menstruation. This again has to do with the pineal gland as it is tied to puberty. The research has shown that girls who are exposed to more fluoride than average have a higher likelihood of developing an early onset of menstruation than girls who have not had that contact.

Fluoride may impact male fertility

It is not only women whose sexual health is affected by fluoride.  Men are affected by it too. There is a link between fertility rates and fluoridated drinking water- higher levels of fluoride have a link with lower fertility rates. Men with a bioaccumulation of fluoride have shown to suffer from lower testosterone and fertility than men who do not. (Source)

Fluoride may damage kidneys

One thing that can be toxic to kidneys is excess fluoride. A higher rate of kidney disease was reported in certain living areas with excessive levels of fluoride. Chinese researchers stated that a fluoride level of 2 mg/L is what it takes to cause renal damage in children. Typically this is seen in children who have fluoridated drinking water and are also using special fluoride toothpaste- which is often prescribed by traditional dentists.

Fluoride may impact cardiovascular health

It is such a shame what fluoride can do to the heart. There is research that points to over-exposure of fluoride (quite common) can cause cardiovascular inflammation as well as something called atherosclerosis. They have also done some research on blood pressure, however the findings were inconclusive, but suspicion is still there.

Fluoride can impact neural development

Some observations have found that fluoride negatively impacts a child’s neural development. Others show it can impact cognitive function. The higher the levels of fluoride exposure, the higher the chances a child can develop a low IQ. (Source + Source)

Make no mistake, the Government wanting to intentionally pollute the entire nations water supply with toxic levels of fluoride has absolutely nothing to do with health, and everything to do with control, just as has been the case with the response to the alleged Covid-19 pandemic.

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2 years ago


2 years ago

The whole Midlands is fluoridated for at least 10 years. Osmosis filter systems can remove it only or distillers but the result is tasteless, acidic water (Ph). Buy osmosis filter system with remineralizing and reionizing addition. Works well, the result is tasty, after the first cost, buying, maintenance is not demanding, no electricity, filters have to be changed in 6-12 months depending on the type. We use the Aquasafe (.de) 7 stages one. Only because we knew them previously when had fish tanks and offered reliable professional stuff but expensive con ones.

Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

Just purchased a jug and filter, which claim to remove flouride. I found several brands and got the WaterDrop fridge filter jug. Brands I found: Waterdrop: Water:

2 years ago

The whole Midlands is fluoridated for at least 10 years. Osmosis filter systems can remove it only or distillers but the result is tasteless, acidic water (Ph). Buy osmosis filter system with remineralizing and reionizing addition. Works well, the result is tasty, after the first cost, buying, maintenance is not demanding, no electricity, filters have to be changed in 6-12 months depending on the type. We use the Aquasafe (.de) 7 stages one. Only because we knew them previously when had fish tanks and offered reliable professional stuff but expensive con ones.

2 years ago


2 years ago

Yes we will! 🙏

Robert Musil
Robert Musil
2 years ago

Isn’t it so that the UK is adding fluoride to the drinking water anyway since quite a long time? I know this as we in Germany cannot buy almost any non-fluoridized toothpaste, but in the UK there was a big choice, so we ordered some 12 tubes there.

Reply to  Robert Musil
2 years ago

Some area yes, but places which had natural flouride were not. We can check, the area’s supplier has the info usually published on their website. The Midlands is fluoridated and big cities, too except London, our leaders take care of their health. It looks to me that the blue collar’ areas are fluoridated mainly. Or was.

Reply to  Robert Musil
2 years ago

Only in some areas, regulated by regional authorities has it been added. Non-fluoridized toothpaste – that’s an interesting idea – maybe a way of balancing intake, must cost more though

2 years ago

use only distilled water. stills are 100 on amazon .
cheaper than IQ loss.

Reply to  boris
2 years ago

Be careful with that, acidic ph is unhealthy, besides some other chemicals have lower boiling point than water and fluoride is not the only poison in the water.

Reply to  GundelP
2 years ago

a still will remove all poisons. phase change resets memory . ph is perfect .

Reply to  boris
2 years ago

Humans can’t drink large amounts of distilled water, not healthy apparently, depletes salts via osmosis

Reply to  Kryptos
2 years ago

water is a flushing agent. eat more sea salt.

Reply to  boris
2 years ago

Water is a bit more difficult element than it looks. It can absorb energy, some say it even has a memory. One thing is sure. Animals still have good instinct. They would choose rainwater to anything else. First we thought that because of the low mineral content but they lick it from the ground, too. Especially if the water got some sunlight. Energy from the sun?
We started to test different kind of waters with the help of cats. No bottled water, only Volvic worked among them (Buxton, Higgland, Evian -No.) No to distilled water, no to osmosis filtered. Yes to osmosis filtered if remineralized and reionized. Yes to Malvern (you can collect it if you live close enough.) But the no1 fav. is still rainwater.

I guess there is truth in the new discoveries about the 4 stages of water but have no time yet to properly read after it.

Reply to  GundelP
1 year ago

I noticed the same with my dog’s approach to water. Although there is only one water supply to the house, he preferred to drink water from the sink upstairs WC than from the kitchen on the ground floor. Later he stopped it, as a last resort he went to the water at home, but he drank rainwater from the pot willingly
So I did electrolysis of every available water and it turned out that rainwater was the best, but subjected to the process of freezing and defreezing and Polish water for children “Kubuś”.

2 years ago

WHY is this Witty Fool even in a position of Power with his Evil Ways? .. Have we gone completely Insane to Allow him Corrupt Public Policy?..

2 years ago

Can normal water filters get rid of fluoride? What about shower water filters?

Reply to  Dan
2 years ago

You will absorb some via your skin of course. Also sadly osmosis filters are not really suitable to supply a full house. There is a new stuff voltrex water ‘system’ but we think that’s fake science but we can be wrong. If not fake, it can give you water to supply the house, do your own research on it if you think. I failed that point that then ‘how and where’ fluoride disappears and the rest of the nasty stuff.

Last edited 2 years ago by GundelP
2 years ago

Fluoride worked so well on John Bullshit’s other island, Ireland…the second highest organized contamination of drinking water in the world (73% of population affected) after Rancho Goyim USSA. Get em retarded and dumber than a box of rocks, flood the country with imported migs from the ME judaic wars of expansion, Africa etc, start a plandemic and pump them full of poison…all moving along nicely according to plan and meanwhile the Hillbilly Klingon cackles hag is even “awarded” a medieval doctorate for her crimes against humanity by some BS university in Belfast. Moar fluroide for the sheeple. Who needs a brain on Planet Reptile besides reptilians.
Not only PfiZer macht frei
Fluoride makes you vegetable “happy”.

2 years ago

It would be nice if government would stop taking upon itself the health and wellbeing of all citizens.

2 years ago

Australia too is being poisoned with this stuff. I was using a filter for a while then discovered that fluoride was only ‘partially’ removed. What does that mean, 1%?

We now buy spring water @ $4.00 per 10 litres and for 2 people it’s not that expensive (most of the fluids I imbibe are red & sometimes white, pre-treated, so that helps).

Also, the plastic containers are fairly strong and good for emergency storage (yes I know, ‘plastic’ but hey I’m not a purist)

Useful info on filters in the posts….thanks I’ll look into it

2 years ago

While Chris Whitty and the Elite drink and bathe in Evian water, we the underclass must now suffer another assault on our health!

Reply to  Kryptos
2 years ago

Malvern. They drink Malvern water.

2 years ago

Around 5.8 million people in England receive fluoridated water. This means fluoride has been added to bring it up to around 1mg of fluoride per litre of water, which is a level found to reduce tooth decay levels.
The decision about whether to add fluoride to the water supply is made by individual local authorities. Areas where water fluoridation schemes are currently in place include parts of:

  • the West Midlands
  • the North East
  • the East Midlands
  • Eastern England
  • the North West
  • Yorkshire and Humber

Your local water supplier should be able to tell you how much fluoride is in your water supply and whether any is added. Most companies have an online facility where you can use your postcode to check the water in your area.

2 years ago

Does anyone know if this is going to be added just to domestic tap water, or is it going in bottled water also?

Reply to  Shmo
2 years ago

Depends on country and manufacturer. Plus they don’t have to state it if it’s below a certain amount, but still can be high enough.

2 years ago

What’s shocking is that people just meekly accept this deliberate poisoning of their clean drinking water, and talk about ways round it, instead of protesting loudly to their democratic representatives and demanding a national referendum. This scam of allowing fertilizer companies this WASTE DISPOSAL service, dumping it into our water supply, needs to be stopped in its tracks, and banned worldwide.

2 years ago

They have absolutely no interest in caring for us..mostly because they hate poisoning our water, air, food.. has always been their plan…now they are forcing us to make choices that go against our body autonomy…oh my lord this beggars belief!
For many years I have been only drinking water ionised mineralised water, At the source I have a whole house ioniser in the kitchen I have pre-filters plus a medical grade ioniser…. I can drink the best water freshly made in my own kitchen.
Five years ago I chucked out my Zazen, I spent as much on parts for that over 8 years, that I could’ve have an ioniser for! So grateful that I then came across a more sustainable way to get the best water for pennies and it’s just like they use in hospitals, I can clean the pesticides off my fruit and veggies, which reduces my toxic load. I can Clean my clothes and house, kitchen anything I need is at my finger tips. I can highly recommend anyone to get yourself healthy with the right water..ERW!

1 year ago

[…] Fluoride – The toxic chemical about to be added to the nations drinking water thanks to the recomm… […]