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Vaccine Veg: Scientists Growing Medicine-Filled Plants to Replace Injections

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Researchers at the University of California-Riverside (UCR) are working on a way to grow edible plants that carry the same medication as an mRNA vaccine.

The Covid-19 vaccine is one of many jabs that use messenger (mRNA) technology to fight against viruses. They are supposed to teach immune system cells to recognise and attack a specific infectious disease. Due to their fragility, mRNA vaccines must be kept in cold storage until use, therefore, the UC-Riverside team are looking into other options that could allow vaccines that can be stored at room temperature. If successful in their work, the public could begin eating plant-based mRNA vaccines in the future.

The team has received a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation and are looking to accomplish three objectives. Firstly, the team will try to successfully deliver DNA containing mRNA vaccines into plant cells, where they can replicate, Secondly, the researchers want to demonstrate that plants can actually produce enough mRNA to replace a traditional injection. Finally, the team will need to figure out the correct dosage that people will need to eat to properly replace vaccinations.

Juan Pablo Giraldo, an associated professor in UCR’s Department of Botany and Plant Sciences said in a university press release: “Ideally, a single plant would produce enough mRNA to vaccinate a single person.”

“We are testing this approach with spinach and lettuce and have long-term goals of people growing it in their own gardens. Farmers could also eventually grow entire fields of it.”

Giraldo and his team said that the key to making edible vaccines are chloroplasts. These are small organs in plant cells that convert sunlight into energy that the plant can use.

“They’re tiny, solar-powered factories that produce sugar and other molecules which allow the plant to grow,” Giraldo said. “They’re also an untapped source for making desirable molecules.”

Previous research has shown that it’s possible for chloroplasts to express genes that aren’t naturally part of the plant. The team of scientists achieved this by sending genetic material inside of a protective casing into plant cells.

In the new study, Giraldo team with UC-San Diego’s Professor Nicole Steinmetz to use nanotechnology to deliver more genetic material into chloroplasts.

Steinmetz said: “Our idea is to repurpose naturally occurring nanoparticles, namely plant viruses, for gene delivery to plants.

“Some engineering goes into this to make the nanoparticles go to the chloroplasts and also to render them non-infectious toward the plants.”

“One of the reasons I started working in nanotechnology was so I could apply it to plants and create new technology solutions. Not just for food, but for high-value products as well, like pharmaceuticals,” Giraldo added.

What is disturbing about the thought of vaccinated plants is, if successfully created, they could be introduced into the food supply without the knowledge of the public. This only provides big pharma and friends with an opportunity to covertly vaccinate and medicate the global population without any consent.

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Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
2 years ago

Vaccines Are Kill Shots and now they are putting them in kids from 6 months old up: Dangers of Booster Shots and COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’: Boosting Blood Clots and Leaky Vessels
New discoveries in the immunology of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 vaccines

What happens inside your body after injection with gene-based COVID-19 vaccines? How does this new ‘vaccination’ technology differ from usual vaccination methods, and why is that dangerous?

In this document, we answer all those questions and more, based on the latest and best available science. We explain how several papers in 2021 significantly advanced our understanding of SARS-CoV-2 immunity, and therefore the science and safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

Unfortunately, as the COVID-19 vaccination programme has followed a policy of ‘vaccinate first – research later’, our understanding of SARS-CoV-2 immunity has only recently caught up with the rushed vaccination schedule.

Given that no clinical trials involved more than two injections of any vaccine, it is important that doctors and patients understand where the latest science leaves us in terms of how the vaccines interact with the immune system, and the implications for booster shots.

We explain here that booster shots are uniquely dangerous, in a way that is unprecedented in the history of vaccines. That is because repeatedly boosting the immune response will repeatedly boost the intensity of self-to-self attack.

Please take the time to read this important information, and share.

The findings are presented in summary form for those who would like an overview, followed by an explanation of the underlying immunology for those who wish to understand in more detail.

Reply to  Richard Noakes
2 years ago

Thank you, Richard. Have downloaded the PDF and look forward to reading it. Best regards.

2 years ago

Carry on, so long as we can go on holiday, and get back to normal eh.

2 years ago

total insanity !

John from Lancashire
John from Lancashire
2 years ago

Arrogant men playing God, what could possibly go wrong? The road to hell is paved with good intentions!

2 years ago

Silly fools. Why not use natures own Artemisia Annua (Sweet wormwood), that has shown great efficacy towards Covid-19?