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You must read the 2019 ‘Absolute Zero’ report, authored by Imperial College London – once you do, you’ll realise the past 16 months have been part of a much more sinister agenda that has only just begun.

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A report produced by Oxford University and Imperial College London for the UK Government reveals that all airports will be ordered to close, eating beef and lamb will be made illegal, and construction of new buildings will not be permitted in order to meet the legal commitment of zero emissions by 2050.

The report states that all airports must close between 2020 and 2029 excluding Heathrow, Glasgow and Belfast airports, which can only stay open on the condition that transfers to and from the airport are done via rail.

All remaining airports must then close between 2030 and 2049 as to meet the legal commitment of zero emissions by 2050 every citizen of the United Kingdom must “stop using aeroplanes” for a significant period of time.

In addition, the report states that to obey the law of the Climate Change Act the public will be required to stop doing anything that causes emissions regardless of its energy source. According to the report this will require the public to never eat beef or lamb ever again.

To do this national consumption of beef and lamb will drop by 50% between 2020 and 2029. Then between 2030 and 2049 beef and lamb will be “phased out”.

The report also confirms that construction of new building must cease by 2050 –

The underlying point is that any asset which uses carbon will have essentially zero value in 2050. This in turn may encourage greater use in the run up to 2050 – for example, putting up new buildings at a much faster rate for the next 30 years, knowing that construction must then halt.

The report was released in November 2019 and was authored by ‘UK Fires’, a collaboration between the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, Nottingham, Bath and Imperial College London – the home of Professor Neil Ferguson.

Entitled ‘Absolute Zero’, the report is a research collaboration in which the authors reveal what the UK must do to meet it’s legal requirement to reach net zero emissions by 2050, and it makes for harrowing reading.

However, the timeline of events may speed up significantly because the Government enshrined a new target in law in April 2021 to slash emissions by 78% by the year 2035.

The authors of the report state the key messages are as follows –

In addition to reducing our energy demand, delivering zero emissions with today’s technologies requires the phasing out of flying, shipping, lamb and beef, blast-furnace steel and cement.

They also state this on jobs and location –

There are two key implications for how we live our lives: first, buildings will become much more expensive because the restrictions on building which generate substantial scarcities; second, transport will become much more expensive because the limits on air travel will generate excess demand for other forms of transport.

Those who are starting secondary school now, in 2019, will be 43 in 2050. Thinking about what education is appropriate for a very different set of industries is a key question. Should we still be training airplane pilots? Or aeronautical engineers?

And they state this on implementation of the requirements –

The changes in behaviour to achieve Absolute Zero are clearly substantial. In principle, these changes could be induced through changing prices and thus providing clear incentives for behaviour to change. The alternative is that the government prohibits certain types of behaviour and regulates on production processes.

You may be wondering how on earth they are going to get the support of the public in shutting the airports and stopping the consumption of beef and lamb?

Well, we could argue they are already well on their way to ensuring the closure of many airports thanks to the draconian laws that the British people have been living under since March 2020 in the name of protecting the NHS and saving lives.

Is it just a coincidence that four months after the release of the report, the UK Government brought in the coronavirus act and implemented a national lockdown which has decimated the travel industry? A quick read through the report certainly suggests the real reason for lockdown may have been so that the Government can meet its legal commitment to reduce emissions.

They will get the support just as they got the support for implementing ridiculous, draconian laws under the guise of stopping the spread of Covid-19. Laws which have decimated small business, taken away our freedoms, and created what will be the greatest health crisis to have ever been due to turning the NHS into the National Covid Service and then the National Vaccination Service.

They managed all the above through psychological manipulation and coercion. That is not an opinion, it is fact, and it is all documented in official UK Government documents which you can read here, and here. .

And they are going to use the exact same tactics to ensure you allow all airports to close and never eat beef or lamb again, this is what the ‘Absolute Zero’ report recommends the UK Government implements to achieve their legally required targets –

Buy us a coffee!

Social norms and individual behaviours

There is a misalignment between the scale of actions recommended by government (e.g. energy conservation) and those most commonly performed by individuals (e.g. recycling). Actions which can have a big effect, such as better insulation in houses and not flying, are being ignored in favour of small, high profile actions, such as not using plastic straws. This is enabling individuals to feel satisfied that they are ‘doing their bit’ without actually making the lifestyle changes required to meet the zero emissions target. If large scale social change is to be successful a new approach is needed.

Whilst the thought of society taking radical, meaningful steps to meet zero emission targets could be criticised for being idealistic, we can learn from historical cultural changes. Not long ago, smoking cigarettes was encouraged and considered to be acceptable in public spaces that children frequented, drink-driving was practiced with such regularity that it killed 1000 people per year in the UK, and discrimination based on sexual orientation was written into law. These behaviours now seem reprehensible, showing society is capable acknowledging the negative consequences of certain behaviours and socially outlawing their practice. Focus should therefore be centred on expediting the evolution of new social norms with confidence that change can happen.

Evidence from behavioural science, and the long experience in public health of changing behaviours around smoking and alcohol, shows that information alone is not enough to change behaviour. To make the types of changes described in this report, we will have to think more broadly on the economic and physical contexts in which designers, engineers and members of the public make decisions that determine carbon emissions.

At the same time, clear, accurate and transparent information on problems and the efficacy of proposed solutions is essential for maintaining public support for policy interventions. The phrasing of communication is also important. Messages framed about fear and climate crisis have been found to be ineffective at motivating change.

The longevity of the challenge of reducing emissions, and the lack of immediate or even apparent consequences of small individual actions mean it is challenging to link to them to the large-scale climate crisis. This allows individuals to make decisions which contrast with their desire to reduce emissions.

Scientific description is not always the most effective means of communication, and language used to promote zero emissions should no longer focus on an ‘ecofriendly’ and ‘green’ lexicon, but rather candid descriptions of actions that appeal to human fulfilment. Evidence from time-use studies shows that human fulfilment does not strictly depend on using energy – the activities we enjoy the most are the ones with the lowest energy requirements.

Consumers can be satisfied in a zero emissions landscape.

Buy us a coffee!

But they will also get the support they need by conditioning and indoctrinating your children in schools –

‘Starting with the difficult decisions, an educational setting should provide a timeline for actions to be taken by humanity in order to ensure that we hit our carbon reduction targets by 2050. By working backwards from 2050, and sequentially working out the order and timing in which key mitigation actions need to be taken, a roadmap for the necessary restraint can be established.

Across the secondary school system, this roadmap is essential in eliciting the questions which will inevitably come from the school children. This will enable an exploration of real change in the mind sets of those who will need to embrace change more than ever before later in their lives.

Huge questions will emerge, such as: will internal-combustion engines disappear, will aeroplanes disappear, will meat and-dairy agriculture disappear, and will we need to stop building things? By empowering school children to realise that asking the huge questions is appropriate, we will enable change to be embraced through education.

All of this will be done to allegedly reduce carbon emissions due to the alleged danger of global warming.

The average carbon footprint per person in the UK, per year, is 12.7 tonnes CO2e.

  1. Your heating would need to be going full blast for 80 days straight to to produce 12.7 tonne CO2e.
  2. You would need to drive 23,000 miles in the average car to emit 12.7 tonnes of CO2e (that’s once around the world).
  3. You’d have to eat over 1,000 beef steaks to produce 12.7 tonnes CO2e.

In terms of global annual carbon emissions of ca. 38,000 megatonnes CO2e, 12.7 tonnes doesn’t sound like much. But when you consider a population of 68 million people in the UK alone, nearing 8 billion worldwide, all of a sudden it sounds like in order to meet a target which is enshrined in UK law and must be legally met, it may just be easier to reduce the population of the United Kingdom?

The past sixteen months have seen –

You must read the ‘Absolute Zero’ report, authored by Oxford University and Imperial College London, the former having invented the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine, and the latter being instrumental in providing flawed models that were used to justify draconian lockdowns in both the UK and USA.

Because once you do, you will realise that the past sixteen months have been part of a much more sinister agenda that has only just begun.

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2 years ago

[…] ByClifford James July 8, 2021July 8, 2021 You must read the 2019 ‘Absolute Zero’ report, authored by Imperial College London – once … […]

2 years ago

Apparently Whitty said this at Christmas 2019

“2020 is also a year of global opportunities and a positive challenge is to build on the remarkable recent progress in stopping vaccine-preventable diseases. Gavi replenishment – financing for vaccines in the world’s poorest countries – led by the UK will help stimulate continued innovation and make the case for vaccines. The climate change conference COP26 in the UK will also be a very important event for all government departments – climate change remains the greatest long-term threat if it is not tackled.”

Hidden in plain sight eh?

Last edited 2 years ago by Noddy
2 years ago

Read thr reports from 2016 already knew .Efficiency I think is if the essence in remedying the errancies inherent in English Imperialism.

Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
2 years ago

I think we are all missing the point here: What do mRNA vaccines do, which they are not telling us about, for the mRNA vaccine makers to have blanket immunity from prosecution, while being allowed to receive payments for their mRNA vaccines?

So the mRNA vaccines work at holding Covid at bay, for the time being, which justifies them to some degree, if you wait until you have Covid in your body, before it is dealt with, unlike as I propose with my free salt water cure – kill Coronavirus in the head, before it ever gets to be Covid in the body, afterwards.

But what we do know “now”, is that mRNA vaccines go from the injection point around the total body in 4 hours and into the organs, with larger amounts recorded in the Testes of men and Ovaries of women and all of the organs of the body, except the Liver and it has been reported that over 80 women who were pregnant lost their babies, after being given mRNA vaccines.

It seems to me that a desirable reduction in world human population by 10% has been achieved from those who died within 14 days after having mRNA vaccines and many more, who should have died, but who did not, left with severe after effects which will eventually kill them, anyway.

So what if mRNA vaccines are “chemical castration” over both sexes and once the mRNA vaccines are in, they can’t be taken out and one jab is enough to get the job done, but two confirms it?

A natural reduction in people numbers by mRNA vaccines, will reduce numbers down to much more manageable figures and those who have been chemically castrated, won’t be able to have kids, so it is inevitable that the people populations on this planet will be reduced down to 50 million or less, by natural processes rather than forced procedures, with no malice intended towards anyone.

I imagine that anyone who has had mRNA vaccines, who manage to get pregnant, will lose their kid anyway, before birthing, because of the mRNA particles in their body, which will prevent that.

The mRNA vaccine makers are not legally responsible for anything, you are, whatever the outcomes of the mRNA vaccines in your body, which you have agreed to be put there, so to all intents and purposes, you agreed to whatever else the mRNA vaccines do in your body, whether you like it or not. Simple.

With regards to meat, well, I don’t really like the idea of slaughterhouses and what they do, even if I like the package meat cuts at supermarkets, often at prices outside my income capability, so if Bill Gates can produce manufactured meat with all of the vitamins and elements we need in our food to live comfortably and well, then I am all for his alternative meat production, which does not take animal life, to extend human life – bring it on Bill – at a cost all of us can afford!!

So with chemical castration, a huge cut back of kids being born, furnished houses for all, just move in and take over from where those who died previously, along with their cars and everything else left off, fake meat – with a huge reduction in animal husbandry – what more could we ask for in the foreseeable future – and we can f*ck like rabbits without contraceptives, because nothing is going to happen anyway – Valhalla!! – and work until your 70’s and drop dead, irrespective of sex, when a new young person is prepped ready to go, made by lab birthing techniques without parents being necessary, available now, to replace you and thank you for your services, it sounds like Orwellian paradise to me!!

More room for everyone. The planet ceases to heat up from overpopulation, resources are reduced significantly because the demand for them will pretty much cease, computers and robots will do most of the menial tasks, including electric robot trucks and cars and our planet will return to an earthly paradise with a lot less of our species on it and for ever.


Reply to  Richard Noakes
2 years ago

Pfizer macht frei…if you wanna die.
Same as it ever waZ

Onward to the all new Ouch Witz…where the joke is on the sheeple.

Reply to  Richard Noakes
2 years ago

While I don’t agree with much of your perspective, I very much appreciate the sardonic humor bordering on optimism. Good for you.

Reply to  Richard Noakes
2 years ago

These toxic liquids hold nothing at bay, instead, they poison and kill their victims. At best a panacea, at worst, deadly.

Christian Thomas
Christian Thomas
Reply to  Richard Noakes
2 years ago

Let me know if it turns out like this. It won’t. Your life lesson will be watching the pain of being so wrong; your first mistake being tackling a problem that wasn’t there in the first place (this planet is nowhere near being overpopulated) and, as a result, being used as a mindless tool of the people who put these plans into motion.

Reply to  Christian Thomas
2 years ago

& the zero carbon con will stop those problematic deserts turning green and fertile and proving that the resources for growing food are still plentiful, if idiots stop listening to the BS of the khazar pedo midget mafia inbreeds behind the shekel scam .

Israeli agent SUPER TRAITOR Priti Patels married to a khazar is adhering to her master Rothschilds Kalergi plan flooding us with illegal unwanted immigrants which helps fools believe in world over population.

Britain is over populated thanks to the top cult of unwanted illegal immigrants of all, khazar fake jew pedo midgets in control of our country and Rothschild rat family’s Kalergi plan

Reply to  Richard Noakes
2 years ago

Prince Phillip, is that you, Old Man?

Reply to  h5mind
2 years ago

Freeloading khazar pedo loving traitor and parasite Phil is having his rear end seen to by a red hot poker in hell.

Jerome Sutter
Jerome Sutter
Reply to  Richard Noakes
2 years ago

I’m laughing, but read every word. Its possible some think this way, but the reality will be much different. I’m really interested in what you believe will happen to all the beef animals on earth? And where will all the gasoline/diesel vehicles end up? You people live in a mental state that floats in and out of reality, never catching the sane train. But hey, great story and best of luck with your brisket flavored plastic!

2 years ago

The whole thing is a farce. Biggest mistake in human history. CO2 is a critical atmospheric gas and not a greenhouse gas. The Sun drives the Earth’s climate/temperature and the future is cold with a few big solar flares thrown it.

2 years ago

Graeten Thunfisch Syndrome, the darling waif of the watermelon socialist morons (green outside and red through and through), where abused retards and one trick gimps determine the future of humanity can only be entertained for so long before the politcal whores, presstitutes and Davos filth are finally strung up and dispatched to the bowels of hell. The longer the herd carries on humoring this nonsense the more blood there will be before it ends.

This coming winter will decide the fate of humanity not to mention the ovine herd of numbskulls already too late to turn back from their “safe” slaughterhouse..

There is but one solution for terrorists and their willing helpers!

Michael Sterling
Michael Sterling
2 years ago

No need to worry. When we have the next Carrington Event (next 20-30 years), everything electrical will be gone.

Reply to  Michael Sterling
2 years ago

It will be a false flag event, as always

2 years ago

Meanwhile as we in the “western” world bend ourselves into pretzels and ruin our lives this:

Wayne Westwood
Wayne Westwood
2 years ago

I found this around 12 months ago you also need to check out UK FIRES is led by Professor Julian M Allwood,  This article shows his connection to Bill Gates.

Reply to  Wayne Westwood
2 years ago

There’s a video on Youtube.

Bill’s paid hoes EVERYWHERE.

So many Uni’s are kiking us for the dollar Bill

The best things I read in 2015.
By Bill Gates| December 07, 2015 
Sustainable Materials With Both Eyes Open. by Julian M. Allwood, Jonathan M. Cullen, et al. How much can we reduce carbon emissions that come from making and using stuff? Quite a bit, according to the University of Cambridge team behind this book. They look closely at the materials that humans use most, with particular emphasis on steel and aluminum, and show how we could cut emissions by up to 50 percent without asking people to make big sacrifices. Although the topic can be dry as a desert, the authors keep it light with lots of colorful illustrations and clever analogies without sacrificing clarity or rigor. I learned a lot from this thoughtful look at a critical topic.

“Israel is the 2nd eye” said Bibi

Last edited 2 years ago by Sorcha
Reply to  Sorcha
2 years ago

Watch robots build houses at incredible speed. 3D printing meets AI.Pushing towards the scaling down of strong man power and muscle.

2 years ago

Geez. All you have to do is spew out less brats. Fat chance.

Reply to  fat
2 years ago

Boris will have a least another couple. “Population control” apparently? Probably not with this wife though.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sorcha
Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
Reply to  fat
2 years ago

We did after family planning clinics, vasectomies and abortions were legalised and our birthrate fell from 2,4 per couple to under 1,3. Our reward for this was Tony Blair bringing in immigration on a grande scale and all politicians allowed it to happen.

Its ending in tears as we all said would happen.

Leif Knudsen
Leif Knudsen
2 years ago

How does it resonate with the fact that all airplane transport makes up for 2% of CO2 emissions? This is not about reducing CO2, it is an effort to put an end to modern society, welfare and human freedom. Establishing the coveted socialist paradise is in sight. The nazis were kindergarten stuff in comparison to what is coming from the new breed of socialists.

Reply to  Leif Knudsen
2 years ago

Theyve finally real7zed that dint need to make more money Rhey jyst need to depopulate and but everything for a pittance instead They know currency are just debt notes really and fiat anyway The pennies dropped with them and so people are just surplus to requirements .They dont need their rents ,they dont need them filling their hospitals or hotels schools or shopping malls .

2 years ago

I agree with a lot if it People are pigs now. You do not need to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast and you dont need to barbecue cows or riastclambs at all .You can buy excellent protein powders and you can make delicious foods without having millions miles of land flattened and razed almost to the ground for the sake of a lamb chop All of those areas should be reforested.Airports are a menace to humanity as is jet travel and people dont need to be flying around just to go to a Harrods or to ses an eyeyfull.tower or a old shed full of shit or some old men in frocks waving crooked sticks They can see it all online and you can shop anywhere on earth online too .There just morons paying thousands to go to woolies somewhere else basically . And the politicians are the biggest dirt bag travellers for ” work ” of them all .They might as well stick their head in a public toilet at home for all the needs they have..Etcetera etcetera .

Reply to  Annonymous
2 years ago

And people have the right to choose whether they want to eat meat or not, as they do deciding if they want the jab.
Greedy control freak psychopaths like Bill Gates don’t get to decide.

Reply to  Annonymous
2 years ago

Clearly you have no idea “millions miles of land flattened and razed almost to the ground for the sake of a lamb chop”

Brin Jenkins
Brin Jenkins
Reply to  Annonymous
2 years ago

Queue for your Soylent Green biscuits here,

2 years ago

they are consistent. covid19 does not exist nor does anthropogenic climate change. if you disagree, please keep looking.

2 years ago

All live on earth are carbon based, including humans. So zero carbon means killing all live on earth.

Christian Thomas
Christian Thomas
2 years ago

I would come here more often – and I am generally reluctant to come here and have unfollowed you on Twitter for this reason – if there weren’t so many begging banners and full screen splashes asking for money. I’d estimate that I’d come here about 10x as often without the intrusive (and frankly rather suspicious) focus on lifting money out of our pockets.

There are thousands of sites and people doing their work for humanity without feeling the need for in-yer-face demands for cash every time you click your mouse. Many of those people no longer have jobs or income but are doing it anyway. Your balance on this is just waaaaay out/.

2 years ago

Apparently we will all be expected to do our part to combat global carbon levels by not breathing.

Miranda Mowbray
Miranda Mowbray
2 years ago

I find it utterly ridiculous and can’t stop laughing that they think cows and sheep are bad for the environment and they are part responsible for climate change,,they know full well covid is a big hoax and want to extend our prison term by making the UK a maximum security prison and under their control, thats all its about control, there is no climate change and never has been, these people need to be locked up for crimes against humanity ,this is against our human rights and freedom and against the nurumberg code. Whoever is involved enjoy the little freedom you have left because a fema camp is waiting for you so you can enjoy your own isolation. There is no government and no monarchy and every pathetic rule and regulation they have conjured up is fraud and under common law if its fraud then the rules and regulations no longer need to be adhered to.

Last edited 2 years ago by Miranda Mowbray
2 years ago

How nice to live in an ivory tower but come on still spinning the same invisible yarn. Keep telling the truth and stop using their corporations. Then even their ivory towers will disappear. Peace and love xxx

Gary Rowe
Gary Rowe
2 years ago

Agenda 21

2 years ago

[…] the Agenda has been brought forward can be seen in the UK.  The Government’s ‘Absolute Zero’ report originally aimed for net zero carbon emission by 2050.  However, the Government enshrined in […]

Jerome Sutter
Jerome Sutter
2 years ago

At age 69 and in poor health, I find these people and their ideas both comical and dangerous. Its doubtful this will ever take place as long as American’s own firearms. Biden is already over reaching his powers, and soon the hammer of reality will smash him square in the head. People talk and make claims based on emotions, and nothing of the sort will ever come to pass in America.

Roger J. Arthur
Roger J. Arthur
2 years ago

To recap: CO2 comprises around 0.04% of the atmosphere, while Human Activity contributes around 3% of that and the UK contributes around 1% of that 3%. That is 1% of 3% of 0.04% of the atmosphere.
So assuming (pessimistically) that CO2 accounts for around 30% of the greenhouse effect, then the UK accounts for 0.0000036% of that effect. 
Not surprisingly physicist Prof Richard Lindzen observed that:
“The influence of mankind on climate is trivially true and numerically insignificant.”
But the MSM would prefer to listen to an autistic teenager from Sweden, than to a well respected Professor..
Yet the UK is embarking on a net zero target policy, costing over £100,000 per family, while China has continued to commission three times more coal fired power stations than the rest of the world put together.
This madness will increase U.K. fuel poverty, which may well result in more deaths than Covid. Also, the continued escalation in energy costs will lead more businesses to relocate abroad – where they will cause more CO2 emissions than before.

2 years ago

the intended amount of DEPOPULATION is NOT 10% as someone has stated below it is 90% !

2 years ago

[…] has written into law that the ‘zero emissions’ target must be met by 2050, and a report published by Oxford University and Imperial College London states that in order to meet those […]

2 years ago

[…] the Government has written into law that the ‘zero emissions’ target must be met by 2050, and a report published by Oxford University and Imperial College London states that in order to meet those […]

2 years ago

[…] legge che l’obiettivo ‘zero emissioni’ deve essere raggiunto entro il 2050, e un rapporto pubblicato dall’Università di Oxford e dall’Imperial College di Londra afferma che per […]

2 years ago

[…] has written into law that the ‘zero emissions’ target must be met by 2050, and a report published by Oxford University and Imperial College London states that in order to meet those […]

2 years ago

[…] geschreven dat de ‘zero emissions’-doelstelling tegen 2050 moet zijn gehaald, en een rapport gepubliceerd door Oxford University en Imperial College London stelt dat om die doelen te bereiken […]

2 years ago

[…] a scris în lege că obiectivul ‘zero emisii’ trebuie atins până în 2050, iar un raport publicat de Universitatea Oxford și Imperial College din Londra afirmă că, pentru a atinge […]

2 years ago

[…] has written into law that the ‘zero emissions’ target must be met by 2050, and a report published by Oxford University and Imperial College London states that in order to meet those […]

2 years ago

[…] Government has written into law that the ‘zero emissions’ target must be met by 2050, and a report published by Oxford University and Imperial College London states that in order to meet those […]

2 years ago

[…] che l’obiettivo di “emissioni zero” deve essere raggiunto entro il 2050 e un rapporto pubblicato dalla Oxford University e dall’Imperial College London afferma che per raggiungere […]

2 years ago

[…] legislation that the ‘ zero emissions’ target must be met simply by 2050, and a  report  published by Oxford University and Imperial College London states that in order to meet those […]

2 years ago

[…] Government has written into law that the ‘zero emissions’ target must be met by 2050, and a report published by Oxford University and Imperial College London states that in order to meet those […]

2 years ago

[…] Η έκθεση κυκλοφόρησε τον Νοέμβριο του 2019 και συντάχθηκε από το “UK Fires”, μια συνεργασία μεταξύ των πανεπιστημίων του Κέιμπριτζ, της Οξφόρδης, του Νότιγχαμ, του Μπαθ και του Imperial College του Λονδίνου – το σπίτι του καθηγητή Neil Ferguson. […]

1 year ago

[…] the Agenda has been brought forward can be seen in the UK.  The Government’s ‘Absolute Zero’ report originally aimed for net zero carbon emission by 2050.  However, the Government enshrined […]