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Senior UK Lawyer discusses serving notices of liability on vaccinators and potential criminal trials for Crimes against Humanity

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Anna de Buisseret is a senior UK lawyer and a retired Army Officer with nuclear, biological warfare training. “That’s why I’m standing up and speaking out. I’m upholding my Oath to We the People to ‘Protect and Serve’,” she says. She has previously also worked as a management consultant at Pfizer.

For the past year she’s been working with a team of lawyers, both in the UK and internationally, to drill down into the evidence and the legal analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic.  They are also working with various campaign groups including: HART; Covid19Assembly; World Doctors Alliance; UK Freedom Alliance; and, Us for Them.

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By Rhoda Wilson

During an interview with Tony Gosling de Buisseret explained what led her to believe Covid-19 was biowarfare. Because of her previous nuclear, biological and chemical weapons training and knowing that bioweapons had been in the making for a long time, she was “on high alert for bioweapons being released”. In March/April 2020 she contacted an ex-army friend in China to discuss “the evidence, what was going on and comparing notes about what he was being told over in Beijing compared to what we were being told over in the UK.”  For example, pictures at the start of the ‘pandemic’ of people falling dead in the streets in China – her contacts in China said, “it’s all nonsense”.  De Buisseret had also heard Francis Boyle speaking out very early on saying, “this is a bioweapon, this is biowarfare”.

“We took enough witness evidence and looked at enough of the evidence – and as you know, with lawyers it has to become beyond reasonable doubt if you’re going to allege criminal activity – and it got to a point where, unfortunately, we reached the conclusion that it was beyond reasonable doubt,” de Buisseret said.  After reviewing the definitions of genocide, crimes against humanity and biowarfare compared with what was going on, it was irrefutable. In April 2021 they made an urgent application to the International Criminal Court requesting an investigation of the UK government.

During the interview she was asked about her “encounter with the police” where, outside a vaccination centre, police officers prohibited her serving notices of liability to the those injecting the public, “the vaccinators”.  “It’s not legal,” de Buisseret said, “because it’s not being authorised and regulated under the correct [legal] framework.”  She goes on to explain, “This is not a human medicine. These, specifically the mRNA injections, cannot be legally defined either as a vaccine or as a human medicine, which is how they’ve been regulated – under the human medicines regulations.”  According to expert teams the mRNA synthetic genetic code, which is nanotechnology encased in a lipid particle casing, fits the definition of a medical device rather than a human medicine.  As such, it should be regulated under the medical device regulations.

The question of legality of the mass vaccination programme goes across several areas of law. It’s not just whether it’s being regulated properly under that particular bit of legislation. “And they’ve only got an emergency temporary authorization on the basis that a) there’s an emergency well, there is no emergency because we’ve got alternative treatments and we know the figures have been manipulated etc.  And, as for the basis on which to justify it: it has to be on the basis that there are no alternative treatments, well there are. So, their whole legality comes massively into question which is why I was very firm saying it’s not legal,” de Buisseret said.

In terms of deciding whether something is criminal one needs to look at the definition of the crimes and the definition of criminal acts. Whether it’s criminal or not in terms of how a tribunal order judge or the public will determine this, only time will tell.

“With criminal law you have to commit the acts. The acts that led to the harm, suffering, loss or death. And you have to have committed the act with intent, to do harm. But the thing about intent is that you can infer the intent because it’s based on knowledge. So, if you know that the act you’ve committed is going to cause harm, loss, suffering, or death then that’s your intent to do it,” de Buisseret explained.  She continued, “it crosses many different areas of both statute law, civil law, criminal law, common law, God’s laws, international laws. So, frankly, the legal analysis is vast because there is so many different laws being broken. It’s absolutely horrendous. We lawyers are totally gobsmacked at just how all the laws seem to be being trashed and nobody seems to care to uphold them. And it’s a crisis.”

She points out that another of the reasons the UK was in such crisis is because the police – being our public servants are obliged to investigate if a member of the public comes with prima facie evidence but, – are just “not interested” and do not even “want to look at it”.

“In our local community [we established] that there was sufficient evidence to know that various clinics in the area would not obtaining informed consent from people.   And that people were in fact dying and being seriously harmed by [the Covid injection],” de Buisseret said.

De Buisseret also discussed the Nuremberg Trials in the context of Covid-19.  “A lot of people haven’t even heard of the Nuremberg Trials let alone bothered to read the judgments,” she said and explains that the judgements are incredibly important reading because everything that is happening now, is cited in the Nuremberg Trials – doctors and nurses saying, through the culture of blame and silence: “I had to keep my job”, “I had to keep quiet”, “I had a mortgage”, or, “I had relatives to look after” – all the same reasons that people are giving today. 

“And yet, when you hear how those defences were put forward and then how the tribunal dealt with them, you will see very clearly that, there is first of all, ignorance of the law is no defence. So, the fact that people say ‘well, I didn’t know I was breaking the law’, is no defence,” said de Buisseret.  And, turning a blind eye or just assuming any comparison to the Nuremberg Trials is “a crazy conspiracy theory”, is ignorance. Because, it is a legal process of bringing people to account.

De Buisseret gave some ideas how the public can get involved in their “Informed Consent Campaign” and if you want to find out more, they will be setting up a website “Consent Alliance” and a channel on Telegram.

You can listen to Anna de Buisseret’s full 30-minute interview HERE.

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2 years ago

I was telling people this back in march 2020 on Gab Gane-of-Function research is bio weapon research and under inter-national law its highly illegal and as for the vaccine its the second stage of a three part binery weapon first part being the virus the third part is going to be seen this winter flu season as vaccinated die from wild coronavirus and the Johnson junta will blame people like me who are un-vaccinated

Its time to hold Johnson Hancock witty vallance SAGE and the MHRA to account for the crime’s of Genocide Corprat Manslaughter human rights abuse and illegal experimentation on the public and financial criminal malfeasance everyone who has done there reseach as i have understand the above listed crime are what these criminal’s have committed back in march of 2020 i told people who was behind the funding of the wuhan bsl4 and why the global bio weapon attack was done and that those behind it should be hanged did you know that PHE funded Wuhan’s bat coronavirus research as did bill Gates Geroge Soros Rothschild Gates patented an attenuated strain of Corona virus through the pirbright wich he funds through Gavi he also paid chris witty 40million sterling in 2008 gave oxford 20 million sterling in jan of 2020 to produce one of his mRnA vaccine’s and claim it as there own he also paid imperial collage 79 million around the same time the only vaccine that would have legitimately worked was ignored by the johnson junt it was being made and tested at Nottingham uni

Then you have johnson deliberate horeding of HcQ and Ivermectin thus denying our poeple the right to use the true Cure for this planndemic and his treasonus junta is still horeding them to this day ask yoursalve this what did he take to cure himself when he went into St Rom’s and why when ever he is asked about it he alway’s thanks the NHS and never tell the interviewer what he took johnson is a mass-muder’er along with his misister and mp’s infact the whole parliment should face those charge’s listed above exsept for those who have had the good sense to vote against th3 gov’t

2 years ago

StTom’s sorry can’t seem to edit oh look out for me on Gab my tag is liar politician’s

David Grace
David Grace
2 years ago

The plan is actually to kill-off the unvaccinated, with the winter plague. Why would our masters want to kill the obedient? They want the rebels gone. It’s obvious, really.

2 years ago

Thank you. 👍

David Grace
David Grace
2 years ago

She is not a “senior UK lawyer”, not even close. That’s a blatant lie!

Reply to  David Grace
2 years ago

Really? What makes you say that, genuine question lol..

David Grace
David Grace
Reply to  Beth
2 years ago

What you’ve said, doesn’t make sense, and is pointless. Your brain is defective. Probably in your genes.

Reply to  David Grace
2 years ago

she is an SRA regulated solicitor but doesn’t have a current certificate to practise. consumers/register/person/?firstName=Annamarie&lastName=de%20Buisseret&sraNumber=21828

Last edited 2 years ago by Sorcha
David Grace
David Grace
Reply to  Sorcha
2 years ago

I’d already looked-her-up. Jesus. Let me explain to you morons what a “top UK lawyer” would be: A barrister (from a top university), who is also licensed to practice law in the EU, and in the USA! Someone of that skill, and seven-figure salary, wouldn’t do the dumb things that that silly woman is doing. She is a second-rate, twopenny halfpenny Citizens Advice Bureau type “legal advisor”. The dumb idiot that wrote the article should have done due-diligence research. She should not be writing articles, or lying, even in stupid places like this website. She should be sweeping the streets, or cleaning toilets.

Reply to  David Grace
2 years ago

The link wasn’t for your benefit shrieking Nancy.
Doesn’t stop her being a solicitor or giving legal advice.
Doesn’t stop her working with other solicitors to attempt to take the mass murdering pedo khazar rats down.
Doesn’t stop her putting in a report to the police (who are obviously protectors of the mass murdering khazar fake jew inbreeds in government) and expecting them to do their job and investigate.

What are you doing you hormonal gobshite? Spreading your cheeks for mass murdering pedo khazars Bill Gates and Rothschild? Maybe you are 1 of bugs eyes whittys rent boys worried your regular income will disappear once he hangs for mass murder?

Make sure you get your vaccines and every booster . The world won’t miss you.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sorcha
David Grace
David Grace
Reply to  Sorcha
2 years ago

Lol.You’re more brain-damaged than the other three. You really are an uneducated, unenlightened, vulgar phukin moron, born of trash, no doubt. You missed the point, yet again. You have no idea who you’re “talking” to, sunny jim. Hey, bitch, I’ve got a full set of the 1933 Encino Babylonian Talmud (numbered, of course) for sale. Got a spare million? Lol.

Reply to  David Grace
2 years ago

You have a copy of the incest deranged pedo inbreeds devil worshippers A-Z? WOW! Ain’t you the dogs? You keep that child rapists handbook.
It’s as worthless as toilet paper to MY people in MY country.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sorcha
David Grace
David Grace
Reply to  Sorcha
2 years ago

A set of books that lays-out the Talmudic plan for total world control is worthless? No. You are worthless. A total loser. I checked-out your IP ID. It seems you’ve enjoyed commenting on RT, in the past, lol. Anyway, I’m gonna let you into a secret, that should be obvious: Why would they kill the obedient? It’s the disobedient that they’re gonna kill-off. The unvaccinated. It should be obvious. The “vaccination” will save people from the next pandemic, later this year. I’m not vaccinated, because I have access to something else, lol. If you can’t understand, try to find someone with an active brain to explain it to you.

Reply to  David Grace
2 years ago

I don’t think we need the little book of Perverted Satan Worshipping Psychopaths to see what’s going on. Or that your cult obsessively lie as you do.
Or that you fit the scientific study case pretty well

Last edited 2 years ago by Sorcha
Kathy Castady Tincu
Kathy Castady Tincu
Reply to  Sorcha
2 years ago

Never argue with stupid people, they drag you down to their level and beat you with experience, this means you, david grace😂

2 years ago

This woman has balls. We needs balls.

Gerald Comeau
Gerald Comeau
2 years ago

In 1978, 918 people died in Jonestown. Jim Jones a cult leader, at a gathering with his followers made up a story which convinced the the cult members to drink a concoction of KoolAid and cyanide. There are numerous parallels with the faux pandemic and the mass killing by poison at Jonestown. The covid mRNA vaccines, instead of cyanide, is the choice of poison of the The New World Order.
Having some career background in the regulatory aspects of agricultural chemicals, I too asking myself many questions right from the beginning. I was not surprised with the WHO announcement of the global pandemic. I am disappointed that it is taking such a long time for the scheme to unravel and for arrests to be made. US Senator Paul Rand is trying to get Anthony Fauci charged for lying to Congress. That would be a good start.

Kathy Castady Tincu
Kathy Castady Tincu
Reply to  Gerald Comeau
2 years ago

If they’re so concerned for our safety, then why won’t they allow Ivermectin to be presribed, I’ll try you why, it would squash their plan for depopulation, masks, and shut downs. Nazis, all of them

2 years ago

I’ve been saying for years ,Dr Jekyl and Mr Hyde Norhing new Pure evil .

2 years ago

There are so many gaping chasms in how this entire plandemic has been executed. Just goes to show how stupid the perpetrators really are.

Reply to  Krofter
2 years ago

The billions they must be robbing off us all for this fraud for killing and maiming people

Richard Noakes
Richard Noakes
2 years ago

In my opinion the best or the worst is yet to come as we enter winter and then we will really see hoe effective these vaccines are and for what.
In his research paper which I have posted here several times: Research Paper JB classen MD Covid-19 RNA Based Vaccines & The Risk Of Prion Disease, which ties in with Anna de Buisseret says.

Classen describes Coid-19 as being a bio weapon, in his opinion and my take on what he thinks of the vaccines is that they are too and the one serves the other, in such a way that infections are random, as are the deaths which eventuate, so that nobody links the deaths to the bio-weapons that caused them, because “we” don’t see the whole picture and anything anti vaccines is under reported, or not reported at all.

In my opinion this is the “big reset” and its intention is to kill off as many of us as possible for the next new world order, which those of us who remain un-vaccinated might live to see, especially so, if you use my free salt water cure which has kept me safe from viruses for over 26.5 years and those I have shared it with and I stake my life on it now:

The Achilles Heel of Coronavirus, is while it is still in the developing stage as Coronavirus/Covid in the warm, wet areas inside the nasal passages of your head and before it gets to become Covid in your head and lungs, 10 to 14 days later. If Coronavirus is not treated with my free salt clean water cure to flush out your nasal passages, as soon as possible, or during self isolation, it becomes Covid, which is where the money is. You cannot catch Covid! Always breathe through your nose and keep your mouth shut, because you really don’t want the Coronavirus to seed itself in your lungs!! My free salt water cure has “absolutely nothing” to do with mRNA test vaccines. Treating Coronavirus with my free salt clean water cure, flushes out the nasal cavity and kills Coronavirus, before it gets to be Covid, irrespective of if you have had mRNA vaccines or not. Mix one heaped teaspoon of salt in a mug of warm or cold clean water, cup a hand and pour some of the solution in, then sniff or snort that mugful up into your nose, spitting out everything which comes down into your mouth, by so doing, you flush out your nasal cavity, where Coronavirus lives. If you get a burning sensation (which lasts for 2-3 minutes) then you have a Coronavirus infection.When the soreness goes away, blow out your head with toilet paper and flush away, washing your hands afterwards and continue doing my salt clean water nasal cavity flush cure, morning, noon and night, or more often, if you want, until, when you do my free salt water cure, you don’t experience any soreness at all in your nasal cavity. While you are at it, swallow a couple of mouthfulls and if you get a burning sensation in your chest, then you are killing the Covid/Bronchitis there too, so keep it up, each time you do a salt water sniffle, until the soreness in your head and lungs goes away – job done. Pour some of the solution on a flat surface and allow to dry and see what you have then. This is what coats the nasal passages in your head and kills Coronavirus/Covid off. You can see why it is so effective. This is what I have done for the past 26.5 years and I am NEVER ill, nor do you need to be either. Keep safe. Richard

David Grace
David Grace
Reply to  Richard Noakes
2 years ago

It can get in through the eyes. You, and only you, should immediately rinse your eyes out with salt water. Put lots of salt in there. Don’t worry, I’m a top UK quake, lol. (Nobody else should do this, it might damage your eyes. But since this twat is blind, already, it doesn’t matter for him.)

Michael Davies
Michael Davies
2 years ago


Our whole being, psyche and hearts have been totally broken with this, as indeed has all trust, our hopes and dreams for the future have all been deliberately crushed, relationships, friendships, even the hope of an end to the absolutely profound loneliness and the sheer brutality of it all, the plethora of scaremongering tactics, many of which are almost inconceivable and many times truly unbelievable. Changing measures from day-to-day, week-to-week, month-to-month which are absolutely and totally relentless; from Police Overreach to what are blatant lies based on no scientific evidence whatsoever, and indeed quite deliberate manipulation of PCR Tests, data and advice and ’emergency laws’. Place three masks on your face for better protection indeed! That comes from Dr Susan Hopkins.

“You have blood on your hands if you do not wear a mask.” That from Prof Hugh Montgomery, who omitted to inform people that he is a Co-Founder, of a Company named Turbinate Technologies LTD , a producer of PPE equipment including masks. Also, Director of a Company named, Panthair LTD who manufacture and supply medical PPE including masks. No conflict of interest there then? 

Source: UK Companies House.

With regards to mandatory masks; Dr James Meehan has this to say: “I’m seeing patients that have facial rashes, fungal infections, bacterial infections. … In February and March we were told not to wear masks. What changed? The science didn’t change. The politics did. This is about compliance. It’s not about science…” (Dr. James Meehan) 

I could go on, but who would listen to someone who has been abused for so long that one just wants to give up living? You have brutally and indeed deliberately, broken families, friendships, hearts, minds, bodies, freedoms, livelihoods, businesses, hopes, dreams, creativity, peace of mind, the very heart and soul of our countries and indeed all we held dear. 

At one point it made me suicidal, because I thought I was alone, being under ‘House Arrest’ and for not committing any crime other than for being a healthy un-vaxed person, despite the constant negative rhetoric and single narrative propaganda…we do exist! All I can say is that I cannot express just how much I hate you greedy, evil, vile, inhuman and indeed inhumane protagonists of propaganda who came up with these absolutely hideous ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ and they are criminal acts, and for what you have already done to us all (let alone what you still have planned) and furthermore, I, with a very heavy heart, have to say that I truly believe that what you have, so seemingly glibly undertaken, will take generations to overcome and in many cases it is just too late, the magnitude of the damage caused having already been done and this I believe is totally irreparable now.

You have, through your greed and evil narcissism created a world of division, hurt, regret, fear, relentless scaremongering, sadness, pain and profound sorrow. It is a Dystopian world devoid of common humanity, love and human compassion, a world that I would never want to live in and you created this ‘Life of Fear’ in such a short space of time. This could only have been undertaken and orchestrated in a planned manner, one presumes, over many years, as it is all encompassing and constantly eats away at the very soul of our common humanity. True narcissism indeed; furthermore in so doing, you have brought out the worst in authority and instigated mistrust and hate between individuals, Governments and indeed the larger communities and pitted people against each other. In fact you openly encouraged it; I read that you planned for the old adage of: “Divide and Conquer”. You have broken so many of us and that is simply unforgivable. 

What you are facing now your ‘House Of Cards’ is beginning to crumble before you, is going to be truly monumental in human history, You cannot buy yourselves out of Justice, the Power and the ‘Money God’ that you worship so much, seemingly over everything else, will not save you this time, your unforgivable intentional brutal acts against Humanity are coming to haunt you forever. You cannot keep up this level of fear and you are making mistakes and indeed underestimated the intelligence, the exploring minds of the populace and censoring very eminent professionals in their fields who challenged your one sided narrative. That was a BIG MISTAKE.. If you actually believed in your own narrative, so strongly, you should have had the foresight and the courage to engage in debate and initiate a genuine workable relationship with others and developed a democratic consensus with the support of the world populace, the very people you purport to want to ‘save’ . Let me remind you that you do not own the world despite your obscene wealth. You do not run the world. You do not have carte-blanche to hold any power over us, as you are an unelected clique with grandiose, unworkable visions of a dystopian future. Let me tell you loud and clear, with millions of unheard voices behind me…you do not now and never will own our future. Why? Because our future does not included your brutal narcissistic totalitarian endeavours…your House of Cards are beginning to fall as the truth will always come out. 



Patricia Beukes
Patricia Beukes
Reply to  Michael Davies
2 years ago

Beautifully written and I agree 100% with every word written …. God bless and stay safe …

Kathy Castady Tincu
Kathy Castady Tincu
Reply to  Michael Davies
2 years ago

Bravo sir, wise words 🥳
2 years ago

I have changed the Banner of my Twitter account into

Arrest-team RepubicNL.

Its not a simple job.

Military & Police-officers must arrest their own Commandors first
for Building DictatorshipNL
and starting Worldwar 3 Bioweapon SARScov2 & Nanobot Vaccin.

Norma Ferrie
Norma Ferrie
2 years ago

I believe the only sure way to stop this is to bring lawful proceedings under Article 61 of the Constitution which is specifically to Deal with Tyranny and Treason. Article 61 was invoked in 2002 and is the only Law in place, Article 61 cannot be changed or revoked as this itself would be an act of Treason which Tony Blair committed when he change the penalty for Treason from Hanging to imprisonment.
This is the only way To reconstitute the Rule of Law.. in Oder to stop what’s happening to the people and the country, Treason is the worst possible crime of all because it’s the death of an entire Nation, our Sovereignty has been hijacked by Tyranny and Treason.

2 years ago

[…] the past year, De Buisseret has been working with a team of lawyers, both in the UK and internationally, to examine and analyse all of the evidence available regarding […]

2 years ago

[…] el año pasado, De Buisseret ha estado trabajando con un equipo de abogados, tanto en el Reino Unido como a nivel internacional, para examinar y […]

2 years ago

[…] the past year, De Buisseret has been working with a team of lawyers, both in the UK and internationally, to examine and analyse all of the evidence available regarding […]

Simon Robert Harris
Simon Robert Harris
2 years ago

I’m hoping to get a copy of the human rights legal document which Anna de Buisseret is serving? I live in Australia and it’s horrendous over here what we have to put up with. Please help.
My email